~ Leaders ~
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YOU, My chosen ones, whom I have called in the past to gather My little ones that I might awaken them from the sleep of self and separateness and teach them through you the way unto Me, — know that you have been faithful and many have come unto Me through you, and through this Service have I drawn you and them close to Me in preparation for the Greater Day and for the far greater Service that awaits.
For you must know that I had a purpose in choosing you for such Work and in drawing such unto Me, and that as you and they realize this and look forward to the utter forgetting and losing of self will I have in you pure and empty hearts in which I can live My life, do My Will and be My Self on earth, even as in Heaven.
But, Alas! Some of you seem to have forgotten that you are My Ministers and you have been doing this all for Me, and, from long being looked up to as shepherds of these My children and from being followed by many such whom you have allowed to lean upon you, and for this privilege have encouraged them to provide for your physical support and comfort, as a consequence you have grown to believe such are specially attached to you and should look no further, as you are able to feed their hunger for knowledge and to care for all their Spiritual needs.
I know that those to whom this applies may not have realized this, but I ask you now to search deep within and see if it is partly, if not wholly, true; that when some of your followers come to you with a teaching from a different source, or especially from some new messenger I have sent forth whose appeal is drawing many to hear him or her, you are sure you have so conquered personality that no words of criticism either of the messenger or of his message are voiced by you, but only kind and loving expressions of a true Brother, a pointing out so clearly that the other messenger is a most dear Brother — another of My beloved sons sent to do My bidding; so that your hearers will go away uplifted and inspired with a high spirit of understanding and will praise God for the new realization of Brotherhood that has come to them.
If you have caught this Vision you are truly blessed and you remain My chosen one for the greater Service, but to all others I now declare the day of separate Movements and separate teaching is past, for all such have been but the way and the means I have used to prepare and fit those of My former servants whom I sent into earth life to lead My children into the New Day, when My Kingdom is to be brought down upon earth even as it is in Heaven, and when there will be only one Movement and one Church, the Church of the LIVING Christ.
To those so called do I now give the task of awakening their Brothers, of calling them unto repentance, of pointing out the One and Only way, THE WAY OF THE HEART, which is the straight and narrow path that leads to the gate which admits the Servants and Warriors gathering to serve under HIM WHO IS TO COME.
You who up to the present have been unwilling to consider actively aligning your movement with others, thinking you have been receiving direct from Me or from one of My sons in the Spirit all the guidance needed to lead you and your followers into the Light of the New Day, and that you can hold them and guide them up the slippery path that leads to self-mastery by means of such inspiration, which has proved so helpful in the past, — know that I now call you to join with your Brothers who have already responded to My Call and who have enlisted in that Eternal Army called Brotherhood, which must include all who would enter and participate in the Kingdom of Love and Righteousness, that I purpose soon to establish on earth.
The work you have been doing in the past is practically finished — as far as you can go with it; that has largely been concerned with the head — an awakening of the understanding and a quickening of the higher faculties of the intellect of those you have been teaching; but now the time is come when all such must be put to the real USE for which they have been developed. If you have taught them impersonally and have led them thereby to understand clearly that all self-development was for the later use of the Higher Self under the direction of the Christ, then you will not doubt or hesitate, but you and all your true followers will know that this is the Call for which you have been preparing them, and for which you have long been waiting.
But if you are listening to the voice of self and to its subtle pointing out that by joining with others you will lose prestige, and your followers will become enamored with other teachings, and what more vitally concerns you, you may lose the income they are now providing for your support and sustenance, — to you I bring the supreme test — that of deciding this day whom you shall serve — God or Mammon.
Make no mistake — no longer can you deceive yourself. Those who truly love Me must give up ALL and follow Me. The Lord Christ calls; He will have no half-hearted or weak-kneed servants. All those who belong in the Great White Brotherhood must absolutely and finally renounce self and all its claims, and must now live only to Serve. In such the separate self exists no more, for they see the One Self in all men — and have learned the glorious meaning of Brotherhood; — they have truly found Me, and that I in them and I in their brother am the ONE and ONLY SELF.
But there are still many fine and earnest teachers who have become so wrapped up in their own vision and mission, which I inspired in them in the past, and are so concerned about fulfilling that mission that they cannot feel any real sympathy with others having an equal or greater vision. In fact they will not take the trouble to investigate or even read carefully what others are doing, and therefore cannot speak or advise intelligently with their followers when questioned about them. These do not realize that this is but a subtle and insidious form of Spiritual selfishness and that it is preventing their comprehending the full meaning of Brotherhood, and therefore the real inner meaning of their own Mission; and as a result they are feeding their followers with only the husks of Truth — with but intellectual concepts, no matter how high sounding and beautiful, but which are incapable of inspiring them with the true Spirit of Service and thereby accomplishing what I sent them forth to do — prepare their followers for full participation in the Work of My Holy Brotherhood.
Those teachers and leaders who are so engrossed in what they consider their own Work, as well as those who cannot and will not yield to the call of their Higher Self, will find that one by one their followers will fall away; for many of these followers have likewise heard My Call to Service and no claims of loyalty to a personal leader or Movement can long hold them with My Voice calling in their hearts.
Your work as a leader of a separate Movement is finished, for the hearts of all true followers of the Christ hear the cry of Brotherhood, and if you, their leader, do not obey that Call, your followers will and must; for it is that true part of your teaching — your showing them the way unto Me and telling them how they may know My Voice, that first attached them to you. But fear not, if you truly exemplify to your followers that which you have taught, and if you now manifest the Spirit of Real Brotherhood you will find the children I have entrusted to your care will not leave you, but many blessings now to you inconceivable will be added in marvelous ways.
Oh, beloved, can you not see that all your work in the past has been but a preparation for this far greater Work — that of making Brotherhood an actual reality among men? You have been awakening My children, training and unfolding their consciousness so that they could find and know the Christ within, — their True Self, and their only Real Teacher, and so thereby they could enter into My Consciousness and see the illusoriness and falsity of all outer things. By finding the Christ, they find the Kingdom, and in the Kingdom they learn to practice real Brotherhood. Now you must help them to make that Brotherhood a living Reality. Your work is not finished — your real work is but just beginning — if you enlist in that part of the Great White Brotherhood I am forming here on Earth, and to which I am calling not only you and all My children who are in your care, but all My other Ministers and My children in their care; for the glorious campaign for Righteousness is already started and this time will be won by My Army whose members are legion and whose might is supreme. For remember I Am in them and I am surrounding and protecting them with My LOVE, and those who are with Me are far greater than those who are against me.
For you must know that I had a purpose in choosing you for such Work and in drawing such unto Me, and that as you and they realize this and look forward to the utter forgetting and losing of self will I have in you pure and empty hearts in which I can live My life, do My Will and be My Self on earth, even as in Heaven.
But, Alas! Some of you seem to have forgotten that you are My Ministers and you have been doing this all for Me, and, from long being looked up to as shepherds of these My children and from being followed by many such whom you have allowed to lean upon you, and for this privilege have encouraged them to provide for your physical support and comfort, as a consequence you have grown to believe such are specially attached to you and should look no further, as you are able to feed their hunger for knowledge and to care for all their Spiritual needs.
I know that those to whom this applies may not have realized this, but I ask you now to search deep within and see if it is partly, if not wholly, true; that when some of your followers come to you with a teaching from a different source, or especially from some new messenger I have sent forth whose appeal is drawing many to hear him or her, you are sure you have so conquered personality that no words of criticism either of the messenger or of his message are voiced by you, but only kind and loving expressions of a true Brother, a pointing out so clearly that the other messenger is a most dear Brother — another of My beloved sons sent to do My bidding; so that your hearers will go away uplifted and inspired with a high spirit of understanding and will praise God for the new realization of Brotherhood that has come to them.
If you have caught this Vision you are truly blessed and you remain My chosen one for the greater Service, but to all others I now declare the day of separate Movements and separate teaching is past, for all such have been but the way and the means I have used to prepare and fit those of My former servants whom I sent into earth life to lead My children into the New Day, when My Kingdom is to be brought down upon earth even as it is in Heaven, and when there will be only one Movement and one Church, the Church of the LIVING Christ.
To those so called do I now give the task of awakening their Brothers, of calling them unto repentance, of pointing out the One and Only way, THE WAY OF THE HEART, which is the straight and narrow path that leads to the gate which admits the Servants and Warriors gathering to serve under HIM WHO IS TO COME.
You who up to the present have been unwilling to consider actively aligning your movement with others, thinking you have been receiving direct from Me or from one of My sons in the Spirit all the guidance needed to lead you and your followers into the Light of the New Day, and that you can hold them and guide them up the slippery path that leads to self-mastery by means of such inspiration, which has proved so helpful in the past, — know that I now call you to join with your Brothers who have already responded to My Call and who have enlisted in that Eternal Army called Brotherhood, which must include all who would enter and participate in the Kingdom of Love and Righteousness, that I purpose soon to establish on earth.
The work you have been doing in the past is practically finished — as far as you can go with it; that has largely been concerned with the head — an awakening of the understanding and a quickening of the higher faculties of the intellect of those you have been teaching; but now the time is come when all such must be put to the real USE for which they have been developed. If you have taught them impersonally and have led them thereby to understand clearly that all self-development was for the later use of the Higher Self under the direction of the Christ, then you will not doubt or hesitate, but you and all your true followers will know that this is the Call for which you have been preparing them, and for which you have long been waiting.
But if you are listening to the voice of self and to its subtle pointing out that by joining with others you will lose prestige, and your followers will become enamored with other teachings, and what more vitally concerns you, you may lose the income they are now providing for your support and sustenance, — to you I bring the supreme test — that of deciding this day whom you shall serve — God or Mammon.
Make no mistake — no longer can you deceive yourself. Those who truly love Me must give up ALL and follow Me. The Lord Christ calls; He will have no half-hearted or weak-kneed servants. All those who belong in the Great White Brotherhood must absolutely and finally renounce self and all its claims, and must now live only to Serve. In such the separate self exists no more, for they see the One Self in all men — and have learned the glorious meaning of Brotherhood; — they have truly found Me, and that I in them and I in their brother am the ONE and ONLY SELF.
But there are still many fine and earnest teachers who have become so wrapped up in their own vision and mission, which I inspired in them in the past, and are so concerned about fulfilling that mission that they cannot feel any real sympathy with others having an equal or greater vision. In fact they will not take the trouble to investigate or even read carefully what others are doing, and therefore cannot speak or advise intelligently with their followers when questioned about them. These do not realize that this is but a subtle and insidious form of Spiritual selfishness and that it is preventing their comprehending the full meaning of Brotherhood, and therefore the real inner meaning of their own Mission; and as a result they are feeding their followers with only the husks of Truth — with but intellectual concepts, no matter how high sounding and beautiful, but which are incapable of inspiring them with the true Spirit of Service and thereby accomplishing what I sent them forth to do — prepare their followers for full participation in the Work of My Holy Brotherhood.
Those teachers and leaders who are so engrossed in what they consider their own Work, as well as those who cannot and will not yield to the call of their Higher Self, will find that one by one their followers will fall away; for many of these followers have likewise heard My Call to Service and no claims of loyalty to a personal leader or Movement can long hold them with My Voice calling in their hearts.
Your work as a leader of a separate Movement is finished, for the hearts of all true followers of the Christ hear the cry of Brotherhood, and if you, their leader, do not obey that Call, your followers will and must; for it is that true part of your teaching — your showing them the way unto Me and telling them how they may know My Voice, that first attached them to you. But fear not, if you truly exemplify to your followers that which you have taught, and if you now manifest the Spirit of Real Brotherhood you will find the children I have entrusted to your care will not leave you, but many blessings now to you inconceivable will be added in marvelous ways.
Oh, beloved, can you not see that all your work in the past has been but a preparation for this far greater Work — that of making Brotherhood an actual reality among men? You have been awakening My children, training and unfolding their consciousness so that they could find and know the Christ within, — their True Self, and their only Real Teacher, and so thereby they could enter into My Consciousness and see the illusoriness and falsity of all outer things. By finding the Christ, they find the Kingdom, and in the Kingdom they learn to practice real Brotherhood. Now you must help them to make that Brotherhood a living Reality. Your work is not finished — your real work is but just beginning — if you enlist in that part of the Great White Brotherhood I am forming here on Earth, and to which I am calling not only you and all My children who are in your care, but all My other Ministers and My children in their care; for the glorious campaign for Righteousness is already started and this time will be won by My Army whose members are legion and whose might is supreme. For remember I Am in them and I am surrounding and protecting them with My LOVE, and those who are with Me are far greater than those who are against me.